Be still before the Lord and let Him touch and heal you (Part 1 - Prophetic word for 2025)

Ps. 46:10 (11) – Be still, breathe a little, and then experience that I am God! High above the nations, high above the earth! In control of everything around you, among the nations, on earth, and even in the financial markets!

Ps. 62:5-8 – I find my rest in God alone because in Him I trust. He is my salvation and my strength. He is my rock, my strength. He is my refuge.

Isa. 30:15 – If you repent and come to rest, you will be saved. Your strength lies in being still and having trust.

Mark. 4:39 – Give Jesus the opportunity also to calm the storms in your life.

Luke 4:35 – Allow Jesus to also tame the dragons and evil spirits in you.

We often forget that as believers we are not only a spiritual being. God’s picture in His Word of us as human beings is that we are spirit, with a soul, dwelling in a physical body.

The day we choose to say “yes” to Jesus and accept Him as Savior, Lord, and King, God the Spirit comes and regenerates and renews our spirit.

God the Spirit came to dwell in our spirit, to be our Helper, Chaperone, Teacher, and Leader who wants to guide us through His Word and His voice.

God the Spirit came to “sanctify” our souls. Rom. 12:2 says: Allow Him to renew your mind (your whole brain, frontal lobe, and emotional brain and that part of your brain that determines your choices and actions). So that you can know what God’s will is for your life 24/7.

God's Spirit is also a Physician and Therapist who wants to heal you from trauma, emotional pain, depression, feelings of inferiority, legalism, that spirit of perfectionism, but also that bipolarity, confusion, addiction, and dopamine addiction from which you suffer.

Allow Him to minister to you and heal you.

Therefore, God has set up members of His body, other believers around you, and even members of the fivefold ministry, to touch you and heal you within a community, a faith family around you.

He wants to be there for you and minister to you every day, but especially when you deliberately become quiet in His presence, or when you seek His face in worship, praise, and prayer.

Come, step into Jesus' consulting and healing room.

Here, you can totally relax because you are in the presence of the Living God, who loves and cares for you.

Chill, breathe and become aware of His presence in and around you.

You are safe here! Everything is under control because the King of kings is totally in control!

And He knows you intimately. He even knows about the war that is going on inside you. He knows all your thoughts, and how you sometimes struggle with yourself and what is happening around and in you! He knows everything, and He still loves you unconditionally.

Yes, He even knows about the battle inside you that Paul talks about in Rom. 7 and Gal. 5. Those dragons that rise now and then, wanting to come out of the cage, breathe fire, and bite and hurt others.

He knows that many days you can't even understand yourself. You are His child and want to serve and love Him, but sometimes you do and say things against your grain!

This is when, like Paul in Romans 7:24 and 25, you can only take hold of your identity as a child of God and confess what God is saying about you.

Yes, where you repeat the words of Rom. 8: There is no condemnation for anyone who is in Christ Jesus and who holds on in faith to what He has already done for us.

All we have to do now is to allow His Spirit who lives in us, to take over the steering wheel in our lives. Yes, we can only hand over control to Him and allow Him to guide us, change us, renew and heal us wherever necessary.

Of course, this would also mean we need to be more sensitive to His voice. Yes, we must even allow Him to pray with us, in tongues or otherwise. We must allow Him to minister to us and lead us through His voice, to comfort us, and to remind us that we have an ABBA, a Daddy-Father in heaven, who loves us and is busy with us in the details of our lives.

Yes, the work He has begun in us, He will complete. As Rom. 8:28 says: He can use to our benefit even the worst that happens to us in this broken world full of broken people, where terrible things can also happen to God’s people. When and where the enemy intended to steal from us and wanted to destroy us and even kill us if he could, our God can use it to our advantage and for our healing. Yes, He can change our “mess” and make it part of our “mess-age”!

Please listen to this prayer also for you in 1 Thess. 5:23 and 24:

“May the God of peace make you completely devoted to Him; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

He will do this also, for He who calls you is faithful.”

That is why the Lord is busy talking to you about your health and getting back to the basics needed for better and optimal physical health.

Allow Him to minister to you about this as well.

Go, and even spend time with believers whom you know God is using in healing. This is your time, too!