A Fresh New Kingdom Economy! (part 1)

The Lord began to speak to me prophetically about what I want to call the new, fresh Kingdom economy.

He reminded me of the events in Numbers 13 where Moses receives instructions from the Lord to send men out to explore the land of Canaan that He wants to give to the Israelites.

Then we read in verse 23 the following: “'When they reached the Valley of Eshkol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs.”

I and others around me are currently experiencing that the Lord is busy showing us revelations, new patents, new platforms, and systems, on which and through which the economy of God's Kingdom can take place, separate and apart from the typical Babylonian system to which we are so accustomed. And He says: It will be like this giant cluster of grapes from the Eshcol Brook that makes God's people gasp for breath and say: We want a share of this!

To enter Canaan, the land of milk and honey, we must, as Revelation 18:4 says, come out of Babylon (a type of Egypt at that time). This will mean that we dare in faith and say yes to step into what the coming of God's Kingdom will require of us; yes, a new Kingdom economy, and everything else that God's Spirit reveals to us in this regard.

Within this new Kingdom economy, we as God's people have only one citizenship; we are citizens of the Kingdom of God here on earth, and part of the City on the mountain that Jesus spoke of, built on the foundation of the Kingdom.

During the past year, the Lord has begun to show you in many ways, also through this ministry to you, how money and our assets work within God's economy.

Thus, the Lord has taught us that everything—all the land, all the gold and silver, yes, everything on earth and in heaven—belongs to God alone.

He also teaches us in His Word that we, His people, His Ekklesia, have inherited everything in Christ Jesus!

Think carefully about what this exactly means!

Looking around us, it seems that the Body of Jesus has nothing or seemingly only has enough to survive each day!

That is why I am so grateful for what the Lord taught us. Yes, He has begun to teach us more about how money, finances, and assets should flow within the context of the Kingdom that is to come here on earth.

He also taught us that although money is neutral, the important question is: Is it in the service of Mammon or God and His Kingdom?

Money is always at work. The only relevant question is: On whose side is the money working?

The Lord also shows how His people, because we believe the lies of the enemy, invest what He gives us in the world's systems, in the service of Mammon!

And there, in the service of the enemy, in businesses, companies, banks, and other financial institutions, it is making the enemy's agenda happen on earth.

Just think of all the listed companies on the stock exchange, in South Africa and the world. Think how many of them have bought into the typical WOKE agendas of the world and are busy in one way or another promoting abortion and other demonically driven objectives.

Everywhere on earth, I hear God's people ask: But, Lord, where is the money we need to do what You have commanded us to bring about Your Kingdom?

Then I hear Him answer: I have already given so much money to My children in the Body but what have you done with it? Look at how much you used to serve your selfishness, greed, egos, and fears. Why have you made so much of it available in the service of Mammon and the enemy?

So many of you even give to the “church” to build and maintain “churches” and “church buildings”, because you believe that you gave to Me and the Kingdom, but you do not see the hold of Mammon and Babylon within those church systems.

It is time for you to come and sit at My feet so that I can show you My heart and what I have been busy with around you for so long!